Sunday, January 24, 2010

Client Testimonial For Valencia Property

I have posted this blog on the Houses For Sale In Spain website too but I thought it more relevant for this blog as it relates directly to the work done by Valencia Property. Enjoy. If you want the same sort of treatment then get in touch by mail on

I get quite a lot of testimonials but I am very happy with this one as it comes in three installments. David is someone who bought the Success in Spain Audiobooks (Get them at that link) and it sort of went from there. When you are looking for a House For Sale In Spain you need to do what David and Patricia did, your homework. If you do then you get the result he has got. Without it you are risking a lot.

Olocau Street Scene


We have spent some time now going through the various information and resources you have provided. The information has been invaluable and your willingness to provide unbiased comment and advice is a breath of fresh air. Being as informed as this even before we set foot in Spain to look for a home provides us with such an advantage over where we would have been. Thank you so much for this and all of you help to date. We hope one day to be able to add our experiences to your portfolio of knowledge.
Thank you for the time you gave us on our visit. Looking at so many different places is really helping us to home in on where and what will be our new life and home. It is almost impossible to quantify the confidence you have given us in making the move to Spain. The experience to date is so different from England we can tell how much you care about what you do. You deserve all the success you can get because the help you provide is fantastic. We will be in touch again.
Graham, installment three. As you know we are now owners of a lovely town house and are so looking forward to moving to Spain. I am 100% convinced that the trouble free process in the end much easier than England and cheaper came about primarily due to visiting your website the success is Spain audiobooks content, and all the people you introduced us too. For any prospective customers I want them to know that you are the person that they should come to if they are buying in and around Valencia. I am happy to share my experiences with anybody you feel would benefit from them, and would be happy to provide you with an interview should you feel it would help.


Valencia Street Cafe

Related Posts

1) Moving to Spain and Helping You Out

2) Great Song About Spain

3) Success in Spain

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